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Warm Temperatures Are Here. Get Your Grass Seed Down!

The winter is giving us a break with temperatures being somewhat reasonable. The possibility to get some grass seed to germinate does exist, but there are limited options.

The pre-emergent application that will happen at the end of March or the beginning of April will deter any seeds from germinating. If you can get the seed down this week, there is a shot that the seed might germinate before the end of the month. Now, this is a long shot, but there is a chance. Do not try to over-seed large areas - small areas that look bad are worth trying, however! If the seed does germinate, then you have a pretty good chance of the seed surviving the pre-emergent application. If the area is showing wear from erosion issues, then I would suggest that straw matt be used to hold the seed in place.

Perennial ryegrass seed is going to be just about the only seed you can use to increase the chances of success. Perennial ryegrass seed will germinate in 7-10 days in normal conditions. This means the possibility of conditions being favorable from now to the end of the month does exist. Fescue grass seed can take anywhere from 14-28 days for the seed to germinate. The germination period for this seed is a little risky. If you want to try, by all means, go for it! You just might get lucky. Don’t forget to add a little starter fertilizer during the process.

We, of course, can help you if you do not want to try tackling this task yourself. Contact us at to learn more.

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